Olympics 2024: See sports to play or watch based on your zodiac sign

This summer’s 2024 Olympics kick off on Friday, July 26, in Paris, with the City of Light hosting the opening ceremonies and hoping against hope that the River Seine will be safe enough for swimming.

Dating back some 3,000 years, the most prominent sporting event in history began in ancient Greece, where athletes – naked as a tribute to the father god Zeus – competed in sports such as foot racing, wrestling, boxing and dancing.


This year marks the third time in history that the city of Paris has hosted the Olympic Games. Getty Images

When the Romans conquered Greece in the middle of the 2nd century BC, they adopted the games, but abandoned all standards of perfection. Case in point: the mother-murdering, lyre-playing, short-tempered, scraggly-bearded emperor Nero entered an Olympic chariot race, threw himself into the middle of the road, and still declared himself the winner.

It was downhill and no fun from there.

Emperor Theodosius I banned the games in 393 AD because of their pagan origins.

The competitions were revived in the 1890s through the efforts of a French Goat named Baron Pierre de Coubertin, who founded the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and hosted the first games of the modern era in Athens in 1896.

The Olympic Games date back 3000 years. Andrea Izzotti – stock.adobe.com

The Olympics are held every four years – and 2024 marks the third time Paris has hosted them.

It shows that the Olympic Games will be held in a city known for its brilliance in the heart of the lion of the cruise season, win or die Leo, which brings us to the Olympic sports as signs of the zodiac.

Astrid Bly, a lead astrologer at California Psychics, is on deck — or on the field, so to speak — with her picks for Olympic sports to match the spirit of each zodiac sign. Or, for those who’d rather watch than participate, the sport every sign will enjoy the most this summer.

Read on to learn more.


Built for speed and high stakes, Aries is basketball. Piotr Stach – stock.adobe.com

Bly keeps balls out and strong in the paint for the Rams.

“The sign of Aries is intense and focused. They are willing to do anything to achieve their goals and very little can stand in their way. As such, the perfect match for them is basketball: fast, popular and skilled, equally reflecting the energy and intensity of this sign.”


Lacrosse is the perfect way for Team Taurus to play ball. Haslam Photography – stock.adobe.com

Bly suggests that Team Taurus is a perfect match for lacrosse, as both the sign and the sport are fond of green grass and the purposeful direction of fearsome fury.

“While such a nimble sport may seem strange to the rooted Taurus, lacrosse requires determination, strength, and reliability—all traits Taurus possesses in abundance.”


Allergic to peace and quiet, running suits the Gemini soul. vitaliy_melnik – stock.adobe.com

Ruled by Mercury, the fleet-footed god of gossip, Geminis are born to run.

Bly explains: “This versatile and unlimited sport is a wonderful match for the sign of Gemini. As an air sign, Gemini likes to move fast and feel free and are basically allergic to staying still. Just as every Gemini has two faces, running is divided into sprints and long distances.”


Swimming offers Cancers ample opportunity to scream without being noticed. Nejron photo – stock.adobe.com

Water sees water and game knows prey.

Swimming is the sport of choice for Cardinals and lettermen The emo sign of Cancer.

As Bly explains, “This connection goes beyond basic similarity. Passionate, warm-hearted and easily hurt, Cancer can benefit from the peaceful, clear water of the pool. Most importantly, zodiac crabs can be a bit moody at times, and the buoyant, competitive energy of swimming allows them to work out those feelings safely.

Screaming underwater? Take some.


Never the type to shy away from a solo sport or the chance to excel in lycra, gymnastics is Leo’s domain. Tatiana Morozova – stock.adobe.com

Leo is ruled by the sun and owns the fifth house of pleasure and play; as such, locals don’t shy away from a solo sport or a crowd-gazing wheel.

“Playful, showy and endlessly charismatic, the best summer sport for a Leo is, of course, gymnastics,” explains Bly. “One of summer’s most popular sports, gymnastics combines performance with skill and party, the perfect match for the vivacious Leo who loves the spotlight and has the energy to keep it.”


Serving excellence from the day they were born, Virgos are a natural fit for tennis. fovivaphoto – stock.adobe.com

With their innate preference for clean lines and a dirt-free playing field, tennis is the sport of choice for Virgos.

Bly explains: “Whether played alone or with a team, tennis requires balance, a keen eye and patience. This makes her a wonderful fit for the Virgo sign, who is naturally inclined to inspire greatness in her teammates and independent enough to stand on her own.”


Natural team players, Libras are a great match for rowing. KOTO – stock.adobe.com

As fans of sports that make them look sexy rather than sweaty, Libra and rowing make a good pair.

“This may seem like a slightly counterintuitive match, but Libra is a sign of balance, poise, rhythmic sound, and mediation. Libras are especially known for their natural teamwork and collaboration skills. Driving, which requires perfect synchronization, is well suited to this sign ruled by Venus.


Jamming a weapon in the name of holy victory? Pure Scorpio bait. Gorodenkoff – stock.adobe.com

As a sign co-ruled by the planet of war and the planet of death, Scorpio naturally requires a deadly weapon sport.

“Like the scorpion that is its symbol and name, this sign comes with quite a sting. Some call them manipulative, but in truth, Scorpios have a keen understanding of other people,” says Bly. “This makes fencing a great match for them, as the sport is all about assessing your opponent and striking when the moment is right.”


Symbolized by the mythical centaur, archery is a natural fit for Sagittarius. Klemen Misic – stock.adobe.com

Symbolized by the pie in the sky, shoot your shot and try your luck, an arrow hunter himself, the Archer is a natural fit for archery.

“This sign is direct, idealistic and enthusiastic, constantly cutting to the heart of the matter. They are also independent and thoughtful, making the art of archery a perfect match.”


Aiming for greatness and unafraid to hit the dirt, Capricorns are the soulful sign of volleyball. mexitograph – stock.adobe.com

Ruled by Saturn, the father planet of restraint and perfection through punishment, Capricorn sees their spirit reflected in volleyball.

As Bly explains, “Driven, with high standards and a natural tendency to keep their eye on the ball literally and figuratively, Capricorns are well-suited to the fast-paced and competitive sport of volleyball.”


Aquarians are into a sport that elevates them above the masses. Diego Barbieri – stock.adobe.com

It tracks the fixated air sign Aquarius, with their superiority complexes, would favor a sport that puts them (literally) above the rest, with a throng of admirers craning their necks to catch a glimpse of his athletic brilliance.

“Aquarius is an outstanding sign for its unique perspective,” says Bly. “Freedom-loving and clever, watermen are inclined to make their own way forward.”


Cycling gives Pisces the gift of solitude with a view. antianti – stock.adobe.com

As mutable water, Pisces people easily and often absorb the energy of those around them. Bly explains that this empathic sponging can lead to burnout.

“Because of this natural connection to the world and the people in it, Pisces often need time to recharge and sort out their emotions without any interference from the outside world. As such, sports that allow some alone time – as well as allowing for some really beautiful views – are a great fit for them, which makes cycling a nice fit.”

Astrology 101: Your Guide to the Star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and reports irreverently on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experiencee.

#Olympics #sports #play #watch #based #zodiac #sign
Image Source : nypost.com

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