August 2024, the new moon in Leo brings creative solutions to Mercury retrograde

The New Moon arrives on Sunday, August 4, 2024, at 7:14 am and 12 degrees Leo, bringing with it a rich opportunity for reflection and creation.

We will feel the effects of this moon most acutely the evening before and the day of it.

New Moon in August 2024

The new moon is our monthly rebirth. korionov –

A new moon is a monthly rebirth, an awakening, and this time, we’re all basking in the baptismal fires of the big cat. Leo rules the heart and under these skies, the themes of how we share, express and accept love are at the forefront, or solar plexus if you will.

The meaning of the new moon in Leo

Leo rules and leads with the heart. wcirco –

Leo is ruled by the sun, so Leos sometimes (cough, more often than not) believe that the universe revolves around them.

Leo is a brave b-ch. He can play the drums, but never second fiddle. Leo is a gilded hambone, but he is also a die-hard romantic and a devoted facilitator of joy.

Because of this undeniable energy of the main character, this new moon is more of a dramatic beginning than a humble beginning. We can help and support the new moon energies by being clear and confident. Start, create, get loud, get solo, make the move.

Leo doesn’t mess with delicacy, because why would an apex predator act like anything but an apex predator?

Let your inner child run free and without incident

Leo energy connects us to the child within. Pro Hi-Res –

Leo is the domain of the inner child and in this sun-soaked sandbox, we can relate to who we were, how we felt, what we did and what made us laugh in the face of the cruel mechanisms of generational trauma and industrial capitalism. the complex told us that our art meant nothing and no one cared about the bluebird dream we carried in our hearts.

Let that song be sung, my babies!

Leo is also the realm of fertility, so if you’re trying to knock off, start, or add to your Leo pride, now is the time.

Leo serves to remind us not only of our essential, eternal selves, but also of the essential truth that we can always, always flip the script. This is a sign of happy endings and continued success. It invites us to go right to the breaking point and lean hard on a plot twist, second act, and/or redeeming character arc.

Conception and creation

Dark skies and pure potential. Manthan Gupta –

Sidebar: Leo is also the field of fertility, so if you’re trying to get down, start or add to your lion pride, so to speak, now is the time.

The New Moon in Leo is forming a beneficial sextile with Mars and Jupiter in Gemini. Mars will amp us up during this New Moon, providing the energetic equivalent of a playtime gas. Meanwhile, Jupiter will give us his Midas touch, making us feel like all things are possible and triumph is possible.

I can dig.

The new moon coincides with the last day and last steps of the catwalk of Venus in Leo. In Leo, our planet of love and attraction can really get out all of you. It’s a big, bold move, standing outside your house with a boombox blasting “In Your Eyes” energy.

Combined with the powerful potential of the new moon, Venus commands us, in her last gasp, to be proud in love and for love.

Preparing the way for Mercury retrograde

The new moon in Leo brings firepower and main character energy as we enter Mercury retrograde. Getty Images

We’ll need all the good juju we can beg, borrow or steal because the new moon in Leo brings Mercury retrograde in Virgo.

Leo is synonymous with self-concept and creation, and in conjunction with this retrograde cycle, this new moon can help us clear past experiences that may have undermined our confidence or otherwise hindered the full expression of our excellence.

Make room and make way for a new day.

“Ecstasy of Chaos”

The new moon in Leo coincides with the last day of the big cat’s transit through Venus. donvanstaden –

In his poem “Ecstasy of Chaos,” divine poet and visible lion Robert Graves, who was born on a Leo new moon, writes:

When the immense drugged universe explodes
In a cascade of unbearable colors
And leaves us panting naked,
This is nothing more than the ecstasy of chaos:
Hold fast, with both hands, to that royal love
Which alone, as we know for sure, brings it back
Fragmentation in real being.

May this new moon and the weeks ahead leave you bold and breathless, naked in your newness, intoxicated with neon color, deliriously alive and in perfect harmony with the rich, rejuvenating chaos of love .

When is the next new moon?

The next new moon is September 3, 2024, in the sign of Virgo.

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and reports irreverently on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience

#August #moon #Leo #brings #creative #solutions #Mercury #retrograde
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